Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Every so often in your artistic development you need to take a bit of time off. Though I resisted at first, by trying to do a little something every day (which is a great thing to do most of the time), I let go of doing studies, researching little things that I felt would deepen my knowledge of this or that and every little productive thing. I don't think I could have done anything more constructive, instead of running myself thin from mental exhaustion I think I am better prepared to take on the upcoming semester.

I've spent the past two weeks cursing my drawing, trying my damnedest to shake off the rust but I'm finally getting back into it... woot! With figure drawing twice a week and a senior thesis project that I just want to keep on working on this promises to be a good semester. So I am presenting some of the first week of sketches developing characters, though perhaps archetypes might be the right word, for the people that inhabit the land of Garda. That is the current name of the world, and it may be the one that sticks. The first two of these characters are a noblewoman from the nation of Pellidar and a nobleman from the Nortmark.

As always, I hope you enjoy!

I would be remiss if I were to not credit Marcus Janum for his wonderful stock photography of models that I have adapted.

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